In the heat of discussion on an email list some months ago, this exchange occurred between myself and another member who was at least familiar with some of the details regarding why an old earth is claimed, and yet he is still clearly disposed to reject all of "Evolution" or darwin's theory about it. I have seen fit to publish this exchange on the web for the simple reason that nowhere else have I ever found such a clear and even faith-affirming account of what Darwins theory of natural Evolution is really all about and why it is that we Catholics need not be afraid of it. Any personal names of any list members or other nonpublic figures have been taken out and a few spelling and other typographical errors fixed, but this exchange is otherwise conveyed here precisely as it occurred.
In this email exchange, the usual customs have been followed regarding the manner of indicating which statements are mine and which are those of my correspondant (to whom I am responding):
Read and enjoy: