When words are omitted or added they can alter the entire message. This has been a favorite trick of satan for eons, especially with the diverse and intentional interpretations forged by multi-thousands of Protestant sects.

Griff Ruby begins a comprehensive series in which he must do what St. Paul entreats in 2 Timothy 4: 2-5 and to be faithful to the word and what holy Mother Church teaches in accordance with the Apostle's words in Galatians 1: 8-10. They say sticks and stones can break bones, but names will never hurt, however words can hurt souls when they are deceived and it has been done for ages by those who are hellbent on cramming square pegs into round holes. It is how the Arian heresy gained such prominence; how Luther altered Christian belief to apostasize from the true Church and take billions since with him; how one side has forced their ideology on others by twisting words and meaning to indicate something totally different than the authority conveying said words intended. This intentional twisting is done all the time and it is wrong. With that in mind, this first installment in this series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" revs up with some obvious dishonesty in Sacred Scripture that has resulted in a chaotic array of over 34,000 sects that have apostasized from Christ's True Church. Griff deciphers the differences and how one can tell so clearly what is true and what is slanted to deceive as he points out in installment one, Word Twisting to Change the Meaning
After listening to Father Anthony Cekada's poignant sermon from last Sunday Trads, Why Can't We All Just Get Along? we could just throw up our hands and say 'what's the use, we'll never unite' or we can initiate a major effort to expose and debunk those issues that prevent a unification, such as Feeneyism. With the SSPX in the throes of a chaotic confusion as the Novus Ordo presbyters infiltrate the Society to try to coerce parishioners to go along with the Modernist program and try to force an ultimatum that is, in truth, a ticket for apostasy, it is time to take off the gloves and disprove once and for all such aberrations as Baptism by water only as Father Leonard Feeney erroneously and deliberately taught in defiance of His Holiness Pope Pius XII and the Ordinary, infallible and perennial Magisterium of the Church. Yesterday Griff Ruby began a comprehensive series on this very subject titled, "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" and that's exactly what Feeneyism and those who stubbornly identify themselves as Feeneyites have been: Dishonest. The esteemed traditional Franciscan theologian Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D. reveals, in his words below, the shameful sieve that is Feeneyism. Therefore, in order to begin to effect unity within the Traditional movement we need to address the issues that divide Traditional Catholics and, through loyal adherence to what the true Successors of the Apostles have counseled, arrive at a resolution of agreement with what God wills for His faithful remnant and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And so we provide proof that the First Dogma of the Church Extra Ecclesiae Nulla Salus holds true for...
The Fallibility of Father Feeney and his 'Feeneyites' is in full view how they failed to hold fast to tradition and Catholic truth in interpreting for themselves what they think and not what holy Mother Church has consistently upheld on Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire.
On this first day of July we bring you a letter written by Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., the esteemed elder statesman and theologian of the true Church and dauntless pioneer for Catholic truth. First run in the Four Marks it is now available at christorchaos.com for all to read. In it Fr. Martin takes no prisoners and well he shouldn't for there is no one living today who defended the Church teaching against Feeney and his cockeyed and dangerous conclusions than this noble traditional Franciscan. In order to educate all, including the misguided band of stubborn followers, he has released this powerful letter, concluding that "The Church's teaching on Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood, as already repeatedly made clear in this letter, is the teaching of the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church, of which it is true to say according to Pope Pius XII, 'He who hears you, hears me.' If that is not good enough for the difficult Feeneyites, and if some of them insist that there must be a special solemn declaration on Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood by the Supreme Authority of the Church, that could very easily come when we once again have a true Catholic pope on the Chair of Peter. And you can be sure that the Feeneyites will not be comfortable in hearing an anathema pronounced against them." For the full letter, see
The "UnBaptized Saints" Deception
In defending the treasure of the Sacred Deposit of the Faith, one must glean the gems that are presented to verify the authenticity and veracity of what they reflect in the prisms of polemics.

Griff Ruby continues his comprehensive series in which he must do what St. Paul entreats in 2 Timothy 4: 2-5 and to be faithful to the word and what holy Mother Church teaches in accordance with the Apostle's words in Galatians 1: 8-10. In an effort not to mix metaphors, but to mine for the gems the Church has always held sacrosanct as divine truth, we hold a Ruby up to a Dimond to show the obvious imperfections in the latter's seemingly brilliant refractions of promoting Feeneyism. However, when looking closer one can see the gaps in the quartz that make its claim to being reliable totally bogus and extremely harmful to the investment of souls. The Extra Ecclesiae Nulla Salus dogmatic argument stands true as always, but the denial of Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire holds no light in the spectrum of the Communion of Saints and, does, in fact, dull the senses and leads to grave error and a serious detriment to unity within the Traditional Catholic movement. To understand how an omission can easily be a commission of error, see Part Two Ellipses can Eclipse Ecclesial Intent
Catholics need to understand the serious consequences of the heresy of Feeneyism for it was no mere slap on the wrist His Holiness Pope Pius XII administered on February 13, 1953, but the dreaded decree of excommunication when it still carried weight.
In our Contra haereses Feeneyism, we want to provide more background on the Jesuit priest Father Leonard Feeney and the cult of Saint Benedict Center in the Boston Archdiocese. Therefore to assuage the controversy over the whole Feeneyism issue, we turn to what holy Mother Church decreed when the Holy See was still Catholic and under the protection of God's graces by republishing the severe warnings and final decree of excommunication. Keep in mind Fr. Feeney had four years to respond and did not provide sufficient proof to stave off certain excommunication. Thus, we republish the Official Decrees confirming that Rome has spoken, the subject is finished. Herein is proof of the licit and valid Excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J. for his stubborn persistence to the heresy of Baptism by water only which you will find in our Reality Check feature,Roma locuta est, Causa finita est
Had Feeney only relented and repented, he might very well have been remembered for the great things he did rather than the cultish company he kept in Bean town

We all know that were Pope Pius XII physically on the throne in 1965 or today, he would have excommunicated practically the entire hierarchy who advanced the heresies of Vatican II, so much so that the least offender against the Church who was excommunicated by His Holiness would be the Jesuit Fr. Leonard Feeney. Be that as it may, the fact of the matter is well illustrated by Pope Leo XIII in the oft-quoted article 9 from his encyclical Satis Cognitum, "There can be nothing more dangerous than those heretics who admit nearly the whole cycle of doctrine, and yet by one word, as with a drop of poison, infect the real and simple faith taught by our Lord and handed down by Apostolic tradition." So also with Fr. Feeney. He did many, many good things, upheld 98% of Catholic truth and spoke out courageously and with flair when others shied away. He wrote many excellent books, such as "Fish on Friday". For those attributes of course he is to be commended. Sadly, however, by his stubborn refusal to obey a true Pope in spreading the heresy that there could be no Baptism of Blood or Desire, he injected that "drop of poison" and infected the rest of what he stood for. Who was Fr. Feeney? In the interest of balance and to provide one of the more comprehensive accounts of the man and his cult, we point you to the three part biography by Third Order M.I.C.M. John Neumann. Keep in mind that his title is an oxymoron for St. Athanasius never stood against Church teaching. Fr. Feeney, by evidence of his excommunication by a true Pope, did. You can read about Feeney and his cult at Father Leonard Feeney
Though the SSPX and other Recognize-Yet-Resist groups differ on various theological opinions with those who do not recognize Ratzinger as Catholic and will make no concessions whatsoever to the counterfeit church of conciliarism, they are of one mind when it comes to opposing the heresy of Feeneyism
Some think that there are only a few Traditional Catholics such as Griff Ruby and Fr. Martin Stepanich who have decided to go after Feeneyism, and that it is only "those crazy sedevacantists." Au contraire, mes amis. It is a fact that every major visible Traditional Bishop stands staunchly against the errors of Feeneyism. This would include the four Society of St. Piux X Bishops as well as Bishops Dolan, Giles, McKenna, Pivarunas, Sanborn and Vezelis in the U.S. not to even mention those overseas and in Mexico or deceased esteemed diseased prelates such as Archbishop Lefebvre and Archbishop Thuc, Bishops des Lauriers, Carmona, Zamora, Martinez, and Musey. To bring this point home we point you to three articles today; two from ten years ago that appeared in the SSPX official publication The Angeles which states the Society's position with Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer's initial volley in 1998 titled, Three Baptisms and Fr. Francois Laisney's follow-up piece, The Three Errors of the Feeneyites . Three years later Fr. Peter Scott, then District Superior of the SSPX in the United States followed up with
Follow-up on Feeneyism
When speaking in terms of "One", we have to keep in mind those Catholic truths that certain Entities are "Three in One" such as the Holy Trinity, the Communion of Saints and Baptism.
Griff Ruby continues his comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" for he realizes the responsibility to educate, inform and rebuke as St. Paul entreats in 2 Timothy 4: 2-5 and to be faithful to the Word and what holy Mother Church teaches and to be on guard for what the Apostle warns in Galatians 1: 8-10. There is but One God, One Church, One Baptism but within One God is Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; and within One Church the church Militant, Church Suffering and Church Triumphant; and, keeping in mind God's Communion of Saints there is within One Baptism the Baptism of Water alone for the Church Militant on earth, but there is also the Baptism of Blood and/or the Baptism of Desire for those who would, through their death, become members of the Church Suffering or Church Triumphant, Purgatory and Heaven respectively. The "Three in One" application preserves and strengthens the First Dogma of the Church that there is no salvation outside the Church (Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus) because those receiving BOB or BOD would be in the Church, not outside. This is something that such luminaries as Peter Abélard, Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J. and radical Peter Dimond did not or do not honestly admit. Maybe that's why the idiom applies so aptly to such 'intellectuals' as these: A small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really are. In other words, as has been proven by their condemnation by holy Mother the Church: a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing! Griff explains in Part Three Three who dare challenge Church Teaching
When vicious vipers dishonestly attack a good, authentic priest of the Church, there is a line that's been crossed that cries for a defense of all we hold holy and true.
 Because of the importance of Griff's third installment and today's article by Thomas A. Droleskey in defense of both the Faith and a dedicated, humble and holy giant of the Church in these times, we continue to feature these articles against the heresy of Feeneyism so that readers can focus on how the vipers desperately defending such heresy, when cornered in their den, coil and, baring their fangs, strike with such venom against good priests. One such holy sacerdote is Fr. Martin Stepanich, OFM S.T.D. who has viciously been attacked by the cobras of collusion and confusion: The Dimond Brothers. Why? Because he dared declare Catholic truth in his article first debuting on July 1. With fierce and desperate measures the pit vipers vented more venom. Intending to do what St. Patrick did in Ireland many centuries ago - drive the snakes out - Tom has taken these seamy serpents to task for their senseless attempt to poison souls through their total lack of charity and venomous vitriol. Just as Griff has so clearly exposed Peter Dimond's arguments for exactly what they are: Scholastic Dishonesty, so also does Dr. Droleskey expose them for not only their dishonesty, but their total lack of charity. And it must be done for the good of souls because the Dimonds' dishonesty has deceived souls and, what is even worse in trying to distract readers from this deception, they've deliberately bullied and intimidated by lashing out and "condemning" anyone and everyone who do not agree with these self-appointed "experts" who think they know more than the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church. Just as Caesar was warned on the Ides of March, we join Tom and Griff and Fr. Martin in issuing the warning on the Ides of July. Beware of false prophets in sheeps' clothing who call themselves professed religious, but show no proof of legitimate profession nor can they provide proof of spiritual direction by either a valid priest or bishop. Christ said it best, "By their fruits you shall know them." Tom repels the reptiles, while praying for their conversion in his poignant thrust against the Dimonds' hateful and heretical rhetoric, Just Defending the Faith
The Principal Points of the Principles holy Mother Church requires All to follow, and which must be applied to the Issue of Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire, Prove the Fallacies of Feeneyism
Continuing our surge of wiping out the insurgent heresy of Feeneyism, we launch today an old reliable that always hits its target with devastating and definite detonation. That would be the irrefutable artilllery, so fully packed and loaded with infrangible Catholic truth as compiled by one of the masters of Church Militant warfare, Father Anthony Cekada. Indeed, he was one of the first to counter the nasty guerilla tactics of those floundering in Feeneyism in the cult camp Feeney had festered while alive. In publishing on these pages last week the official excommunication decree of Feeney from the Holy Office under Pope Pius XII, we included the link where Fr. Cekada proves without a shadow of a doubt that the bell, book and candle was authentic. Since His Holiness never rescinded it, a good man-gone wrong died canonically (1917 Pio-Benedictine Codex Iuris) outside the Church he had so stubbornly and narrowly, and defiantly defended as needing Baptism of water to be saved with no exception. Let us pray that God made an exception and that Feeney's pride and stubbornness did not exclude him from passage to either the Church Suffering or the Church Triumphant. Today we provide an article Fr. Cekada wrote eight years ago this week detailing the Principles the Church requires us to follow in resolving the issue of Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire. He lays it out succinctly in Baptism of Desire and Theological Principles
The truth never changes. What a giant of Tradition penned over thirty years ago is even more pertinent today.
Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has been given permission from Father Martin Stepanich, OFM S.T.D. to republish the excellent series of articles that The Remnant so enthusiastically ran back in the seventies. Nothing has changed since then except for the fact that Fr. Martin is persona non grata to those who are presently floundering on the fence, flailing away in trying to justify a false pope and his Motu hoax. Nothing has also changed with those Feeneyites who tried to shout Fr. Martin down thirty years ago. They're still trying to villify a good man, this now 90 plus-year old giant of Tradition who was not "senile" or "out of touch" then nor is he now in continuing to exhibit the wisdom of saints, something so lacking in this era when Modernism stifles the quest for holiness. Most importantly, nothing has changed and never will on the solid Catholic truth he professes in this series to remind all that the First Dogma of the Church will always stand: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, but his opponents need to fully understand that the Church is composed of the Church Militant, Church Suffering, and Church Triumphant. Tom provides Father's brief, but comprehensive essays on his site with part one and two of seven parts from this outstanding Franciscan priest with Outside The Church There Is No Salvation, Part one and two
The depositions of quotes in Dimond's Treatise reek of being taken out of context, thus twisting the meaning for the Prosecution against Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire, but Griff stands in for the Defense, keeping everything in context in proving that the Means will justify his arguments.
Griff Ruby continues his comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" with his fourth installment that is most necessary for Catholics to understand one's responsibility to educate, inform and rebuke as St. Paul entreats in 2 Timothy 4: 2-5 and to be faithful to the Word and what holy Mother Church teaches and to be on guard for what the Apostle warns in Galatians 1: 8-11. The tomes of quotes by Peter Dimond in his supposedly "air-tight" arguments in his Treatise have more holes than Swiss cheese. Once readers discover his dishonesty of omitting key components that actually quite often refute his forced and faulty conclusions, they should smell what's really intended. And once readers clearly understand his deliberate deception of placing misdirected emphasis on the words of Fathers, Doctors, Saints and Popes of the Church in his Treatise to forge a different conclusion, then readers should begin to understand only too well where that putrid stench originated. Griff fumigates more of the mephetic MHFM's misrepresentations in Part Four The Treatise is in Contempt of Context
In discrediting Feeneyism who better to have as a prime witness against this heresy than the Prince of Theologians, the Angelic Doctor himself?
We continue to bring you this series Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has been given permission from Father Martin Stepanich, OFM S.T.D. to republish. It is part of an excellent series of articles that The Remnant so enthusiastically ran back in the seventies. As noted, nothing has changed since then except for the fact that Fr. Martin is persona non grata to those who are presently floundering on the fence, flailing away in trying to justify a false pope and his Motu hoax. Nothing has also changed with those Feeneyites who tried to shout Fr. Martin down thirty years ago. They're still trying to villify this now 90 plus-year old giant of Tradition who was not "senile" or "out of touch" then nor is he now in continuing to exhibit the wisdom of saints, something so lacking in this era when Modernism stifles the quest for holiness. If Father Martin was wrong, then so also were numerous true Popes, saints and Doctors of the Church, most notably St. Thomas Aquinas. Of course, that is preposterous as Father proves in his brief, but comprehensive essays, continuting with part three and four of seven parts from this outstanding Franciscan priest with Outside The Church There Is No Salvation, Part three and four
Feeneyites will strain their kidneys and stew in their prunes to lean on papal decrees as proof they are not in heresy, but when push comes to shove they've taken so much out of context that their ex cathedra catheters leak all over the place, leaving a mephetic stench that needs to be cleaned up.
We continue to bring you this series Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has been given permission from Father Martin Stepanich, OFM S.T.D. to republish. It is part of an excellent series of articles that The Remnant so enthusiastically ran back in the seventies on the authentic Catholic teaching on the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. Those possessed of the false interpretation of the doctrine that outside the Church there is no Salvation made the same arguments then, with the same demonic fury and pride, that are being made today by their successors. So, as you can see, little has changed with the persistent stubborn pride of Feeneyites who continue to deceive. What is sad however is that Fr. Martin, a pioneer and giant of the Traditional Catholic movement, is today persona non grata to those who are presently floundering on the fence, flailing away in trying to justify a false pope and his Motu hoax. It is time they quit schmoozing heretics and join us in denouncing heresies for they are not just nuances of error, but, as this outstanding Franciscan priest states in all charity, outright heresy. He explains in exposing their misdirection with Outside The Church There Is No Salvation, Part five and six
Long have Feeneyites strained themselves by trying to lean on papal decrees as pitiful "proof" that they have not been in heresy all this time. But when push comes to shove all should realize their "doctrine of deception" has been so taken out of context that it has left the faithful with a mephetic stench for the past 60 years that needs to be cleaned up and sanitized for the sake of souls.
Thanks to Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, who was given permission from Father Martin Stepanich, OFM S.T.D. to republish his excellent series of articles from the The Remnant back in the seventies, we've been able to bring you Father's no-nonsense authentic Catholic teaching on the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, which totally debunked Feeneyism then and does so again. This is only too evident as we link his final installment of this series in which Fr. Martin nails the heretic to the door, even though said heretic or heretics are so ashamed of their untenable position that they tried to remain anonymous. However Fr. Martin could easily see through the facade that the one trying to rebut Father's airtight arguments was the very one who had tried to elude Pope Pius XII in the fifties: none other than Fr. Leonard Feeney himself. As an added bonus to this final installment Tom adds an epilogue reinforcing the importance of the dangers of playing God in sitting in judgment of souls. Despite the fact that Fr. Martin and Tom are both both person non grata with The Remnant crowd, we pray that, through publication of all we have published on these pages of The Daily Catholic, both those stubbornly and pridefully clinging to the heresy of Feeneyism and those who still blindly acknowledge that a blatant manifest and material heretic could possibly be a true pope, will come to their sensus Catholicus and make no concessions whatsoever to the Robber Barons, the VulgArians of the counterfeit church of conciliarism beginning with Roncalli through Ratzinger and all their appointments per Pope Paul IV's truly ex cathedra (ergo: infallible when dealing with Faith and Morals) Papal Bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio. Thus we proudly present the final part of Fr. Martin Stepanich's Outside The Church There Is No Salvation, Part seven
Taking quotes out of context is a favorite tactic of those who master in misdirection and misrepresent themselves to others as to their knowledge of theology and Catholic doctrine. If it's a case of "invincible ignorance" than they're dumber than we've given them credit for. Of course, considering the plethora of doctrinal documentation available, we know such is impossible today. Therefore, it has to be deliberate deception for they do know better and that makes it all the more tragic for theirs and their followers' salvation.
Griff Ruby continues his comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" with his fifth installment that is most necessary for Catholics to understand one's responsibility to educate, inform and rebuke as St. Paul entreats in 2 Timothy 4: 2-5 and to be faithful to the Word and what holy Mother Church teaches and to be on guard for what the Apostle warns in Galatians 1: 8-11. The tomes of quotes by Peter Dimond in his supposedly "air-tight" arguments in his Treatise The erosion of truth from the tomes of quotes by Peter Dimond in his weighty wordage (as in poundage, not clarity and truth) leads one to assume the agenda Dimond and Feeneyites are trying to ramrod down people's throats could be correct except for one very important canard that Griff exposes: that those being quoted, for the most part, never had the same intention Dimond's using is his miasma of misdirection. But, as Griff points out, Dimond's rationale whenever his "smoking gun" backfires is to blame God! Griff provides the empty casing shells left by the Treatise to prove not only how far off target the Feeneyites are, but that Dimond's been shooting blanks. Griff provides the proof in Part Five What About the What-Abouts?
Can those anti-sedevacantist agitators actually hear themselves when they begin squawking away that such an interminable interregnum without a true Pope would be impossible? Have they actually listened and watched the quacks that are running things in Rome? If not they're duck soup!

John Gregory, who humbly admits Griff's series has convinced him of several things, weighs in with something that is so obvious. He can see now how the snakeoil salesmen, aka the Dimond Brothers, have been selling the faithful swampland in hell with their Feeney heresy while condemning everyone who does not agree with their fallacy. John sees the irony in the SSPX argument against Feeneyism, but leaves one going "duh!" when they don't connect the dots. John illustrates how the idiom of what's good for the goose is good for the gander applies quite aptly to those who will argue against Feeneyism with great logic, but will turn into flapping, stumbling imbeciles when trying to defend anti-sedevacantism. Is there an ulterior motive why they refuse to fly closer to the truth before diving to conclusions? The more dishonest they are with others, the more likely it is that their opinions will eventually get shot down. The question is: What are they trying to protect? Certainly not the obvious truth. John gets at the truth with his article The Truth and Nothing But the Truth!
For a long time many have suspected the author of the Treatise has lost his marbles. It's a fact he's left some out of the bag, which proves he's not playing fair.

Griff Ruby completes the first round with his sixth installment of a mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this heresy's defender, most notably one Peter Dimond whose moral compass has taken him dangerously off course. Some might think he's lost his marbles by playing loose and fast with the doctrinal game. However, Catholic truth is always rock solid as marble and the true Church never lags whether the match involves the aggies and steelies of the great Fathers and Doctors that plunked Arianism and Pelagianism, or the Rosary-beaded puries and onyx orbs that targeted Albigensianism, or knuckling down with the flints and alabaster milkies of Trent to strike out of the circle the ducks of Protestantism, Calvinism and every other ism that was introduced in the teen centuries, or the cats-eyes and micas that shoot at the overwhelming heresies so prevalent today in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, including one not affiliated with such, but nevertheless still an obstacle in the direct line: pitching against the fudging Feeneyites. Griff provides clear evidence that the author of the Treatise has been shooting in the dark, taking great liberties in his personal "interpretations" of papal decrees and statements of Saints, Doctors, and sincere Catholic luminaries of the Church. The end result is deliberate deception and proof he's refused to knuckle down to the truth of BOB/BOD. Griff provides the clear evidence in Part Six, It's All or Nothing!
The surge to cage the heresy of Feeneyism continues
In today's Epistle the holy Apostle of the Gentiles St. Paul urges us to "walk worthy of the vocation in which you are called." That we are endeavoring to do "with all humility and mildness, with patience, supporting one another in charity, careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." It isn't always easy, especially when heresy creeps in so stealthily that it divides even Traditional Catholics. But the Church has always been aggressive against heresy for she knows how dangerous this raptor can be. Heresy, like a ferocious predator, lurks in the shadows, not baring its carniverous fangs on unsuspecting souls until it's too late. But there are ways to fight these rapacious dangers by going after the lair of the liars and snaring the prey through prayer and Catholic truth. That is our mission in this hunt to eradicate the vulturous vamps who seem to thrive by hemorrhaging hope, scattering the flesh of faith on the winds of twisted doctrines, seemingly sucking dry all avenues of grace through "the wickedness of men, in craftiness to the machination of error." It is a question of survival, a matter of love, that we intensify our mission to constrain the beast be it Modernism, Ecumenism or Dimonds in the rough. Editor Michael Cain separates the wheat from the chaff in his editorial, Setting the bait to halt the hate.
It can definitely be dangerous to one's spiritual health if one does not follow the Doctors' advice, especially one so esteemed as the Angelic Doctor. But to deliberately forge St. Thomas Aquinas' medicinal manual for the soul - the Summa, well that can be criminal.
Griff Ruby resumes his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this heresy's defender, most notably one Peter Dimond, half of the combination known as the Dimond brothers. This week Griff pits them against seven Doctors of the Church. No contest. And yet one would ask, how dare two self-taught pipsqueaks from podunk think they know more than St. Thomas Aquinas by not only doubting, but misinterpreting his masterful Summa Theologica. Not to mention their audacity of calling other holy Doctors of the Church wrong while asserting they themselves - the almighty Dimond brothers - the only ones who are right. Of course, the latter consider themselves self-appointed gods who relish sitting in judgment of one and all whether that be many revered, and proven holy Doctors of the Church or present Traditional Catholic authorities as well as writers of good will who dare challenge their audacity. It's always been a practice that if you might disagree with your doctor, it wouldn't hurt to go to another for a second opinion, or even, rarely, a third. But by the time seven Doctors have all told you the same thing it's time to listen to your Doctor and humbly swallow that bitter pill of truth and accept that your Doctor knows more than you do. In his seventh installment, Griff provides what the Doctors have prescribed and The Evidence is Overwhelming
Excuses are a dime a dozen and illustrate a lack of confidence in one's arguments, but the Feeneyites' excuse that it's all God's fault takes the cake for absurdity.
Griff Ruby continues his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this of one of this heresy's greatest defenders, one Peter Dimond, half of the combination known as the Dimond brothers. There are a plethora of excuses Peter Dimond desperately drums up in his Treatise and elsewhere to deflect the obvious in his stubborn pridefulness to cling to the dangling thread of denying Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood. Does he not realize that once it completely unravels he'll be completely separated from the vine? Completely "outside the Church" via heresy in the same manner the man he defends was excommunicated by a true pope. The only thing allowing Dimond to spew his rubbish today is that there has been an absence of any papal intervention in doctrinal affairs. Regardless, holy Mother Church has wisely prepared for just this and states such in her legitimate Councils, papal decrees and Canon Law: Latae sententiae. In other words by one's persistent deeds or words or actions that contradict Catholic truth, one has separated oneself from the Church. There is no necessity for a pope to decree such, for it still stands in the eyes of God. But to Dimond it's all in the predestined cards and therefore it has to be God's fault that His Church accepts BOB and BOD. Griff points out this gaffe in his eighth installment, When all else fails, blame God!
Who are you to believe? Those who appoint themselves as self-proclaimed "experts" or authentic Church-authorized experts in the person of Fathers, Doctors, Saints and Popes? If you're honest, it's a no brainer. If you're not honest, you go mining for useful-sounding quotes. It is the epitome of the Art of Scholastic Dishonesty.
Griff Ruby continues his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this of one of this heresy's greatest defenders, one Peter Dimond, half of the combination known as the Dimond brothers. We've all seen the hilarious exercise of bobbing for apples, ironically in water. However, what Griff has decided to do is not funny, but very necessary in order to refute the heresy of Feeneyism that Baptism by water is the only way to salvation. Thus he goes bobbing for verified examples of Baptism of Blood by first splashing around the depths of the Treatise to uncover the disguised examples that the Dimonds have omitted or fabricated what might have occurred without their ever being there. Then Griff gets to the core by producing the shining precedent the Church has sunk her teeth into from earliest times in providing example after example of canonized saints who never had the chance to be baptized by water, yet they are official saints in Heaven. If the good fruit of what the Church says doesn't sink the Feeneyite heresy, then we can only hope the latter will dry up, so dehydrated by the arid audacity of stubborness and pride to dare deny Catholic truth. Griff lays out the irrefutable evidence for Baptism of Blood in his ninth installment, Bobbing for BOB

While arguments for Baptism of Desire might seem slim compared to Baptism of Blood, there are actually quite a few excellent references if one bothers to research for the full truth among the esteemed Fathers and Doctors of the Church that prove the actuality of Baptism of Desire, and totally refute the heresy of Feeneyism. In this month dedicated to the Holy Souls what better time to remember the countless souls in Purgatory, many there through the Baptism of Desire.

Griff Ruby resumes his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of those who have deceived. Throughout the history of the Church no true Authority of the Church has ever ruled against what is called the "Baptism of Desire." While it is true those souls dying without the salvific waters of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism would not be members of the Church Militant,they would be members of the Church Suffering, and a few, such as St. Dismas, members of the Church Triumphant. Thus, in this month of the Holy Souls it is necessary to refute those who harm souls by denying what the Fathers, Doctors, Saints and Popes have accepted and never condemned: BOD. In truly studying the quotes attributed to reliable sources such as Saint Ambrose, for example, one can see unreliable sources not only taking these quotes out of context, but applying an entirely different meaning and presuming they themselves know more than God Himself. It's not only the height of scholastic dishonesty, but sheer stupidity, not to mention very dangerous to their own soul and those whom they mislead. Griff presents the first part of his treatise on BOD with, Fathers Know Best what Desires God Desires

Griff Ruby continues with the second part of his tenth installment. This series was launched in order to help souls. Thus this second part of the Baptism of Desire is published today, All Souls' Day for there are no doubt countless souls in Purgatory needing our prayers; many of those souls there through the baptism of Desire. While the Dimond Treatise has been well refuted in every aspect throughout this series, another Feeneyite deserves to be grilled on his scholastic dishonesty in deliberately leaving out the context of quotes that sway the reader to think a Father or sage Saint didn't know what he was talking about. Below you can see this in black and white, especially in respect to the respected Doctor of Grace Saint Augustine, and how the desire to defend Feenyeism prompts desperate heretics to not only stretch the truth about Baptism of Desire, but deliberately deceive by omitting the true intention of this holy Doctor of the Church and other Church authorities who have been quoted. In this age of instant gratification, we must remember that holy Mother Church has always deliberated slowly but surely. There are no such things as shortcuts, something evident by providing all the evidence to prove the scholastic dishonesty of Feeneyites. Desire to Know the Full Truth about Baptism of Desire

Stubbornness is a trait born of pride often found in cults who refuse to believe their leader is all wet, totally off track. Such is the case with the cult of Feeneyism entrenched at the St. Benedict Center which was founded by Fr. Feeney as ground zero and carried out in defiance of Eternal Rome's warnings to cease and desist. In their disobedience they ceased being "slaves of Mary" and became slaves of heresy.
Griff Ruby resumes his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" as he now focuses on the messenger. Much has been said about the message of Feeneyism and now Griff sets his sights on the messenger who started this heretical mess, one Fr. Leonard Feeney and how he veered from the path that was formerly so promising. That is what happens when cults are formed and given more importance than the Faith itself. One definition of a cult is "zealous devotion to a person, ideal or thing" and that would definitely apply to those who have so stubbornly clung to the heresy of Feeneyism even in the face of what holy Mother Church has decreed. Normally, to prove a case against such a cult those outside the cult would be called upon to provide evidence or bring testimony to refute the defense of said cult, but in this case the evidence from members of the cult themselves easily indicts all those involved within the cult of Feeneyism. The question is are they, and their iconic leader of recent memory, really that stupid or that proud and devious? Griff shows, sadly, that it is the latter as he documents in the first part of installment eleven Conspiracy of a Cult

The tragic journey of a good priest who thought outside the box and, by his stubborn pride, found himself and his followers outside the Church even though ironically that is what he fought so hard to defend, but never to Christ's true Authority on earth.

Griff Ruby presents the second part of his eleventh installment of his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty." After exposing the cult, Griff now poses the question: What part of "Rome has spoken, the case is closed" didn't Fr. Feeney and his stubborn followers get? The Holy Office gave him every opportunity to state his case, but he cowardly refused, bunkering down with his cult followers at St. Benedict Center, fighting his battles through his tabloid. While he might have won some battles from the rooftops it all proved futile for he lost a war, one he started and was never necessary. Rather than honorable surrender, he went shamefully to the gallows outside the Church. A sad, tragic commentary on a man who ruined his life and the lives of many who even today continue to stubbornly cling to heresy. All Feeney had to do in order to become the good general, the noble soldier of Christ was to submit to the proper and highest authority in Rome when Rome was still the true Authority. Feeney had every opportunity and he shunned Christ and His Church out of pride. Griff chronicles the events and correspondence leading up to Fr. Feeney's excommunication as he documents in the second part of installment eleven The Church vs. Feeneyism

The Dead Theologians Society are very much alive in their doctrinal accordance and they weigh in with living proof that overwhelmingly favors Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire as being in total union with the First Dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.

Griff Ruby's mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" has been dedicated to exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of those who have deceived. He has done so for the sake of those who have been deceived. After eleven installments, Griff begins his final three-part installment in refuting Peter Dimond's Treatise which steadfastly defends and promotes Feeneyism. In the first part of his twelfth installment he calls credible Church Theologians to the bench to testify to the overwhelming support for Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire. The virtually unanimous consensus of at least twenty-five respected Church theologians sampled over the ages has been consistently in agreement for BOB and BOD and scarcely an opinion breathed, let alone even one identified convincing argument, or any consensus, against Baptism of Blood and/or Baptism of Desire. Thus Griff presents the first of a three part closing argument against the Treatise with Theologians Against Feeneyism and the Treatise

For long the catechism has been the vehicle for explaining the holy Faith, laying out the tenets in understandable language. No where does the Catechism ever deny Baptism of Blood or Baptism of Desire, thus leaving the Feeneyites with empty pages for their arguments.

Griff Ruby's mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" has been dedicated to exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of those who have deceived. He has done so for the sake of those who have been deceived. Griff continues his final three-part installment in refuting Peter Dimond's Treatise which steadfastly defends and promotes Feeneyism. In the second part of his twelfth installment the Catechetical tenets are introduced as evidence against the fallacy that Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire are heresy. Rather the Catechisms overwhelmingly support BOB and BOD and leave no room for rebuttal for Roma locuta est whether it is The Catechism of Trent, the Catechism of St. Pius X or the Baltimore Catechism to name a few. Thus Griff presents the second of a three part closing argument against the Treatise with The Catechism Against Feeneyism and the Treatise

The time has arrived to present closing arguments in the case against Feeneyism and the Treatise and Griff is prepared with over one hundred and forty incriminating exhibits that render those accused of scholastic dishonesty guilty as charged.

Griff Ruby's mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" has been dedicated to exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of those who have deceived. He has done so for the sake of those who have been deceived. Griff completes his final three-part installment in refuting Peter Dimond's Treatise which steadfastly defends and promotes Feeneyism. . We have now arrived at the closing arguments which clearly, using 112 failsafe evidential examples and proving 30 misquotes by Dimond in his Treatise and others, that these are the final nails in the coffin of Feeneyism. Good Riddance forever more as we let it die in hopes souls do not die believing the lies perpetrated by those exhibiting such blatant scholastic dishonesty. Thus Griff presents the final convincing and irrefutable proof with his Closing Arguments Against Feeneyism and the Treatise

Having taken twelve lengthy, comprehensive and convincing chapters to most definitely refute the grave error, nay, even heresy, of Feeneyism, Griff Ruby takes an intermission - not time off, mind you, but an interlude, if you will - to take the reader a bit behind the scenes, exploring events leading up to his making this series, and the balancing considerations that weigh against the "Sr. Sunshine's" of the world. Thus, during this lull after Easter, when Griff has reached the midway point of his mega-series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty," he begins the first of a three-parter in dealing with several topics in a potpourri fashion, commencing with chronicling how this series was developed and why. From its beginning in the late 1940's, the unique interpretation of "No Salvation Outside the Church" put forth by the Saint Benedict's Center in Boston has been responded to with disciplinary measures, short articles, slim volumes, and only single chapters out of larger books devoted to other topics. This left the Feeneyites to assume silence as being consent regarding all the many quotes and arguments that long went unaddressed in such abridged treatments. But this can be no longer. And thus, in time, it finally was time to set the record straight. Griff provides a chronicle of how and why he decided to engage the Feeneyites in Genesis of the Polemics Against Feeneyism

Griff Ruby continues his intermission series with part two in which he asks is the Liberalism of Vatican II rooted in BOB and BOD? This whole subject is an issue few, if any others, have broached, let alone challenged, leaving the Feeneyites to assume silence was consent. But the zealous followers of Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J. have used the cover of Vatican II to form camps that would never have been considered in pre-Vatican II days. In fact, it was prior to such when a true Pope sat upon the Throne of Peter that holy Mother Church spoke out against denial of Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire. Thus came about the term of "Feeneyism." In Boston, while Fr. Feeney was making the headlines, a seminarian at Weston, Francis Sullivan, began pondering a reasoned response. Following the Modernists, he eventually found a basis in Lumen Gentium to, in effect, do away with the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and make "armchair evangelism" (of saving practically everyone without having to make them Catholic) far easier than it ever was in Fr. Feeney's heyday. In refuting the Vatican II sophistry, so clearly explained by Fr. Sullivan in his rejection of Catholic truth, Griff presents his second installment in his interlude between rounds with The Slippery Slope to Sophistry
The Crisis in the Church will never be over until Vatican II and all that followed is revoked.
Griff Ruby completes his three part interlude with how Conciliar ambiguity lended itself to the confusion of the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and, in essence, unwittingly ran interference for Feeneyism, though the latter followers would never admit as much. Griff shows how the notorious Theologian Karl Rahner, considered one of the chief architects of Vatican II, coined the term "Anonymous Christian" and therein the seeds for lumen gentium were planted, which Griff thoroughly covered in Down the Yellow Brick Road to Apostasy: The Lumen Gentium Syndrome. By making relative the true purpose and mandate of the Living Magisterium of the Church by ambiguous terms, Rahner and his cohorts could effectively undermine that perennial, infallible body and pull off the most bloody bloodless coup of all time: The Second Vatican Council and the hijacking of holy Mother Church. But interestingly, even in the midst of all the chaos and confusion created by this, there still has not been one bishop, legitimate traditional bishop or illegitmate conciliar bishop, who has ever subscribed to the cockeyed belief that Feeneyism promotes. Griff provides the proof of this in his third part Dead or Alive, Anonymous Apostates Are Known to God
Feeney's book Bread of Life is not only hard to digest but harmful to the soul.
Griff resumes the second half of his book, if you will, on totally debunking Feeneyism and taking on others who have used the art of scholastic dishonesty to further their own agenda and mislead readers, leading them away from the true Faith by fostering error and even heresy. In his thirteenth installment, he returns to the source of Feeneyism, the Boston Jesuit Fr. Leonard Feeney who established a cult by denying Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire, effectively establishing a Jansenistic position in taking Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus to the extreme and sitting in judgment where even saints, Popes and Doctors of the Church never ventured. His hypothesis are not only warped, but wrapped in dishonesty as Griff details in exposing this proud priest who sought to deceive through the art of scholastic dishonesty, particularly in his book which Griff breaks down, Bread of Life. What Feeney has provided is rather molded wheat that cannot be digestible to Catholics for it can be toxic to the soul as he identifies in his thirteenth installment Begin at the Beginning
Reply to A Reply to a Liberal, Part One
Griff Ruby continues his second round of Feeney refutations by taking apart one of the St. Benedict's Center's very first attempts at defining their position publicly. Though the denials of Baptism of Blood and Desire were only hinted at, the kind of pessimistic thinking upon which those denials were based is fully evidenced. The Reply to a Liberal piece introduction includes the entirety of the very first response the Church ever made to the contentions of the St. Benedict's Center and Fr. Feeney, namely that by Fr. Philip Donnelly, S.J. Mercilessly was Fr. Donnelly attacked, though in fact he said nothing wrong. So at the very least, Fr. Donnelly must be vindicated, in all justice. He was the "first responder," like the first paramedic to arrive on an accident scene, and such an ugly attack was all the thanks he recieved. In this first of three parts, Griff exposes the ignorance and ugly debating tactics of those who hold mere ignorance itself to be sufficient cause for damnation, as he addresses the Introduction, Part 1, and the first several paragraphs of Part 2 of Reply to a Liberal, for this first of a three part response with the beginning of his fourteenth installment of his article Nascent Feeney
Reply to A Reply to a Liberal, Part Two
Griff continues his second round of Feeney refutations with this second part of taking apart one of the St. Benedict's Center's very first attempts at defining their position publicly, a piece titled Reply to a Liberal. For some reason, one significant focus of the Reply to a Liberal piece is not actually Fr. Donnelly himself but another writer by the name of Fr. Jean-Vincent Bainvel, a Jesuit who had written a book titled "Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church?" But then Griff takes on an ambiguity that necessarily resides at the center of the controversy. Which is it? Does God condemn the non-culpable or is every non-Catholic under any circumstance personally culpable for their failure to become Catholic? The answer seems to depend upon who one is talking to and when. By trying to claim neither they have instead insinuated both, for at least one of those claims would necessarily be true if the St. Benedict's Center position were the correct one. And what about invincible ignorance? Can it excuse all things, or only some? And what things did the Pope mean when he said that "to probe deeper is criminal"? In this second of three parts, Griff exposes the bigotry of those who hold all non-Catholics personally guilty of heresy, schism, or apostasy, as he addresses the remainder of Part 2 of his article Nascent Feeney
Reply to A Reply to a Liberal, Part Three
Griff completes his analysis of Reply to a Liberal, taking on its Part 3 and Conclusion. It is in this third part of the Reply to a Liberal piece that baptism itself is directly addressed. And though BOB is grudgingly tolerated (only in the rarest of cases), BOD gets reduced to something short of what is needed for salvation in this first distinction between being justified and being saved if one dies in that condition. Instead of imitating Christ Who seeks to save all by whatever means the Son of God may choose (even if we mortals cannot guess them as we are so wont to do), the Reply to a Liberal piece instead seeks to find and multiply all the possible reasons for a person to be damned. Get the idea that perhaps they don't want too much company in Heaven? Even the innocent can be damned, by their reasoning! And what of those who preferred to be martyred instead of compromising so as to be spared and then offered an opportunity for water Baptism? It claims they were damned! At the very least, that would be news to St. Augustine, who knew some of these martyrs personally. Griff explains in his final part of his three-part installment of his article Nascent Feeney
Honesty from Feeneyites? Not a chance because, well, that's all she wrote!
Resuming this series after a four months-to-the-day hiatus, we can see that for the Feeneyites it is all or nothing and because of their narrow, stubborn stance they are left with nothing. Griff unravels the arguments of such Feeney 'luminaries' as Catherine Goddard Clarke and Thomas Mary Sennot again with precision as he exposes the scholastic dishonesty exhibited by those so desperate to defend Feeneyism to the point of downright deception. At St. Benedict Center it continues to be a blind alley with the blind leading the blind. While many are out of sight, they're also out of their mind to dismiss the Council of Trent's ruling and the Pope's decree of excommunication. They pick and choose what they want, then stretch the truth to try to justify their actions. Time and time again, the followers of Fr. Feeney claim validity to their unique teaching on the basis of the claim that they reconciled to the Church. Griff Ruby gently but firmly dismantles that claim by showing the acceptance of certain groups of Feeney followers to have been purely a "Pastoral" move and quite clearly with no acceptance of their doctrine. They might fool a few, but in the end they can't fool God as Griff proves in his 15th instalment They Fought the Bad Fight
Traditional Catholic Articles
Was Fr. Feeney's Excommunication Doubtful? by Fr. Cekada
Baptism of Desire: An Exchange by Fr. Cekada
Bp. Dolan: Baptism of Blood and Desire
Fr. Feeney Catholic Doctrine (SSPX Verbum article)
Dr. Coomaraswamy
Dr. Coomaraswamy Follow-Up
The Deadly and Diabolical Dangers of MHFM by Ethan Muehlbauer
Novus Ordo Articles
Baptism of Desire by Jimmy Akin
No Salvation Outside the Church by Fr. Ray Ryland
No Salvation Outside the Church by Jim Seghers
Rigorism by John Pacheco
Did Father Feeney and his followers really reconcile with the Church? by Paul Anthony Melanson